Wednesday, December 2, 2015

XLP Publishes Report On Venture Deal Sourcing

XLP Strategy Research Group announces today the release of a research report addressed to venture capital fund managers, fund administrators, managing directors, family offices, and institutional investors. The report describes the dynamic and changing nature in which tech venture funds must stay competitive for proprietary deal flow. The report draws heavily on case and project experience gained by working with several large, high profile tech companies and institutional investors within the past few years, as well as first-hand experience within XLP’s in-house venture fund, the Lambda Prime incubator.

While traditional deal flow channels involved walking the halls of trade shows, networking with other investors, and chairing or observing venture pitch contests, an increasing percentage of deal flow does not originate through these channels at all. Instead, they are “pre-pitch” or “proprietary channeled” throughout their life cycle, meaning traditional venture capital managing directors see deals too late in their fund raising process and are not able to gain competitive positions on cap tables. This 25 page report addresses this changing deal flow channel and describes several cutting edge methods for advancing venture and high tech deal flow.

Selected analyses from the research include:

  • Overview of big data sources and databases in venture capital across the value chain from seed and angel to late stage
  • A prioritized, downloadable list of all major databases and platforms most frequently utilized for deal flow, including a side-by-side comparison of each platform
  • Top 10 list of novel data sources not known to be widely utilized by venture capitalists for generating deal sources
  • Strategies for efficiently resourcing and automating deal flow generation across fund sizes and lead frequency needs
  • Reviews and ranking of deal flow platforms and software systems for organizing and managing the deal flow pipeline
  • Case studies of competitive advantage and lead times offered by novel data channels in generating new tech investment leads vs. traditional channel navigational methods

Included with the report are access to web and data scrapers for harvesting, collecting, and structuring these proprietary datasets in Excel spreadsheet formats. A complimentary copy of the proprietary tool Metascrape (retail licensing in excess of $2,000 / seat or over $10,000 / year for site licensing) is included with each report. XLP Strategy Group research analysts are available for interview and further discussion.

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